The Codori Family

Mike Lynaugh Photo

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Here's a site just for us, the Codori family and their descendants. We now have a site to view stories, pictures and the family tree all on one web site. I hope all of you take advantage of this site and send those stories and pictures to share.  To ease your search for Codori descendants click here to view all family members who have a page on this site. This site also includes members of the Cordary and Kotary family.

I'd like to thank Photographer Mike Lynaugh, of Buffalo, N.Y. , for allowing us to use the great picture of the Codori barn for the banner above. Be sure to check out some of his work on the Codori farm gallery page.



St. Francis Xavier Cemetery in Gettysburg, the final resting place of many Codoris.

Click here for more information.


The 2011 Pennsylvania quarter with the Codori barn in the background.


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Click here for more Hottviller information.

Latest shot of Hottviller and two Codoris. Dr. Nancy Codori and her son Evan Codori Boardman on their trip to Hottviller. 3/20/2015

New pictures on our site of Hottviller, France comes from Dr. Carol Anne Codori originally from Gettysburg, PA .
Carol has stayed in contact with our French cousins since her visit there in 1979. Carol has helped with pictures and other material on this site.

Thanks to Dr. Ann Marie Codori of Baltimore for the photos and help with much of the info on this site.

Also click here to read about the history and culture of the Alsace area of France by Ann Marie.

New pictures of the family in Hottviller, France from Cal and Mary Morris of California. Mary is the great granddaughter of Catherine Cordary/Codori Staub of France.


Janet Swisher in Hottviller, France Aug. 2020. Janet is the grand daughter of Carolyn C. Codori.

Also on our site, an assortment of pictures of Hottviller, France from the Internet. Click here to view.
New addition to the site from France is material from Bettviller, France and Lambach, France.
Click here to read more about St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church.

Questions or comments about this site can be sent to:

Bill Codori at: